Animal info talks

Animal info talks during summer 2024

What do animals eat for breakfast? How does one become a zoo keeper? How are endangered animal species protected?

The animal info talks at Ähtäri Zoo can answer your questions and tell you about both the species and the individual animals. The guides participate in the care of the animals and can therefore share stories about the lives, food, enrichment, and relationships of the zoo's inhabitants. You won't get this information anywhere else! During these animal info talks, the guides also either feed or enrich the animals, allowing the audience to see this aspect of the zoo's daily life. The talks last about 20minutes and there's always time for questions. One of zoos' most important roles is to spread information and knowledge, so these talks are very important to us and fun but educating for our visitors. 

Animal info talks are mainly held in Finnish.

Mon 15.7: exception to the info talks schedule!

klo 10.15 Panda

klo 11.30 Bear

klo 13.00 Farm animals feeding and guided tour

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

10.15AM Panda

10.45AM Red panda

11.30AM Bear


1PM Thorold's deer

1.45PM Lynx

2.30PM European bison + wild boar

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

10.15AM Panda

10.45AM Red panda

11.30AM Bear


1PM Thorold's deer

1.45PM Finnish forest reindeer and Takin

2.30PM Wolverine


10.15AM Panda

10.45AM Red panda

11.30AM Bear


1PM White-tailed deer

1.45PM Thorold's deer

2.30PM Moose


Daily activity: 

From 1PM to 1.30PM a guided feeding tour 

The tour starts from the sheep enclosure.



Customer service

Karhunkierros 150, FI-63700 Ähtäri
+358 30 62150

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